




Chapter 1. Questiones in Parva naturalia (1309)

Chapter 2. Questiones super libros Physicorum (ca. 1313-1315)

Chapter 3. Questiones super libros De celo et mundo (date uncertain)

Chapter 4. Questiones de anima (1315-1318)

Chapter 5. Questiones super librum Rhetoricorum (date uncertain)

Chapter 6. Prologus ad Expositionem de problematibus (1318)

Chapter 7. Questiones libri Economice (date uncertain; 1309 or 1319?)

Chapter 8. Questiones in librum De bona fortuna (doubtful)

Chapter 9. Questiones super libro De motibus animalium (date uncertain)

Chapter 10. Questiones in duodecim libros Metaphysice (1319-1320)

Chapter 11. Scriptum super III librum De anima (1321)




Appendix I The prologues

Appendix II Independant questions

Appendix III A question of the commentary on De Celo

Appendix IV The question on phantasia

Appendix V Metaphysica Qu. I, 5

Appendix VI De substantia orbis





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